How do I kick off a command line based backup job (AWS backup job) from an SSM Doc?


  1. Create your SSM managed EC2 instance (with the SSM agent installed). (SSM agent is pre-installed on AWS AMIs, and needs to be installed on custom AMIs).
  2. Use the python script provided in this repo. 
  3. Call the python script from a Command line (for testing purposes). Execution : python <volume_id> <region_name>
  4. Once tested from the command line, use a bash script to wrap the python command above. The bash script lives in the SSM doc. It runs on the linux OS on an EC2 that is SSM managed.

Sample python program to call aws backup service and perform a backup

import subprocess
import sys
import boto3

def execute_shell_commands(commands):
MyOut = subprocess.Popen(commands,
stdout,stderr = MyOut.communicate()

#for command in commands:
command_string = ” “.join(commands)
print(“Command executed : %s” % command_string)
if stdout is not None:
stdout = stdout.decode(“utf-8”)
print(“Stdout :\n%s” % stdout)
if stderr is not None:
stderr = stderr.decode(“utf-8”)
print(“Stderr :\n%s” % stderr)

# Run pre-script
execute_shell_commands([‘sudo’, ‘service’, ‘apache2’, ‘stop’])

volume_id = sys.argv[1]

region_name = sys.argv[2]

ec2 = boto3.resource(‘ec2’, region_name=region_name)
volume = ec2.Volume(volume_id)
snapshot = volume.create_snapshot()

ec2_client = boto3.client(‘ec2’, region_name=region_name)
snapshot_details = ec2_client.describe_snapshots(SnapshotIds=[])
print(“Snapshot details :\n%s” % snapshot_details)

# Run post-script
execute_shell_commands([‘sudo’, ‘service’, ‘apache2’, ‘start’])
execute_shell_commands([‘sudo’, ‘service’, ‘apache2’, ‘status’])

Sample bash script (in SSM doc) to call a python command


MYSTRING="Do something in bash"

python - << EOF
myPyString = "Do something on python"
print myPyString


echo "Back to bash"